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Stuart/Sam Hughes
I have spent time working in collaboration with Jeremy Deller, designing and painting murals for his exhibitions, including 'Joy in People', 'All That is Solid Melts into Air' and 'English Magic' which started in Venice when Jeremy represented England at the Venice Biennale and then toured England visiting the William Morris Gallery in Walthemstow, Bristol Art Gallery and Turner Contemporary in Margate
Me standing next to 'We Sit Starving Amidst our Gold', a painting of 19th century artist William Morris throwing Roman Abramovich's yacht into the Venice lagoon.
Click here to read about my mural work with Jeremy Deller
Three small paintings for Jeremy Deller of Eton burning to go with a banner for London Frieze
Painting of an octopus for Jeremy Deller,
commissioned by the Hepworth Museum, Wakfield.
'Burning down the House'
Painted for Jeremy Deller and printed on vinyl 30 metres x 16 metres
and hung outside the Gwangju Biennale in Korea.
'Monarchs of the Glen'
Painted for Jeremy Deller.
Richard Benyon MP has estates in Scotland.
Gamekeepers in Scotland allegedly illegally kill birds of prey to conserve their grouse.
Acrylics and oil on canvas 7' x 3'
In February 2018 I spent time in Barcelona at the National Art Museum of Catelonia re-painting Jeremy's 'We Sit Starving Amidst Our Gold' for a William Morris exhibition. Here is a picture of the finished mural.
Click here to see a video of the Barcelona installation.
I spent September 2017 in Madrid re-painting Jeremy's 'We Sit Starving Amidst Our Gold' for a William Morris exhibition at Fundacion Juan March. We drove there and back which was an incredible experience in itself and whilst in Madrid, everyone was really friendly and helpful.
Working on the mural
The finished mural with the adjacent door wall painted
The exhibition title was placed on the door wall
and the museum put a photo of me working on the cover of their monthly guide!
Fundacion Juan March made a time-lapse video of the mural being produced, which was shown as part of the exhibition in Madrid.
For the second Venice Art Biennale in a row I worked in Venice with Jeremy Deller. Jeremy took part of his 'All That is Solid Melts into Air' exhibition to the 2015 Venice Biennale.
The BBC Culture Show produced a programme about 'Folk Art'. As part of it Jeremy and artist Alan Kane interview me. Here is a part of the programme
'English Magic' exhibition first saw light in the Venice Biennale 2013.
I spent nearly 3 months working in Venice and one image which I produced was of English designer and socialist William Morris throwing rich Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich's yacht into the Venice lagoon. This image I repainted at William Morris museum London, Bristol Art Gallery and Turner Contemporary Margate.
The William Morris same image re-painted at Turner Contemporary, Margate, with Turner paintings of Venice hung on the same wall
William Morris re-painted at William Morris Museum Walthamstow
Jeremy Deller has an exhibition based on the Industrial Revolution, 'All that is Solid Melts into Air' which opened at Manchester Art Gallery October 2013 and then travelled to Nottingham, Coventry and Newcastle.
I painted a mural based on a steel foundry as the backdrop for a jukebox playing sounds/songs from the era.
Jeremy standing next to the jukebox in the exhibition
Because of the success of the British Pavilion in Venice, the British Council had a small exhibition in their offices in the Mall and asked me to do a Stonehenge mural, on top of which were placed photos of Jeremy's Stonehenge Bouncy Castle.
From February through to April 2013 I had the priviledge of living a dream...I spent the time working with Jeremy Deller and another artist, Sarah Tynan, painting murals and designing for him in Venice for the British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.
Me standing next to 'We Sit Starving Amidst our Gold', a painting of 19th century artist William Morris throwing Roman Abramovich's yacht into the Venice lagoon.
St Helier on Fire (following a riot against Jersey’s status as a tax haven).
Some links to reviews/pics
Here Jeremy talks about the exhibition.
Hayward Gallery Murals
for Jeremy Deller.
Jeremy Deller had a retrospective exhibition "Joy in People" at the Hayward gallery on the Southbank. The exhibition ran from 22nd February until 14th May and was a fantastic experience. It has since travelled to Belgium and is in Philadelphia at the moment. Jeremy has been selected to represent Britain at the Venice Biennale and has asked me to work with him in Venice producing murals for the exhibition.
"A hugely influential artist for much of the past two decades, Turner Prize- winner Jeremy Deller has helped to rewrite the rules of contemporary art in many respects. This mid-career survey - the first in the artist's career - provides a fresh overview of his multi-faceted work.
The exhibition incorporates almost all of his major works to date including installations, photographs, videos, posters, banners, performance works and sound pieces."
I have worked with Jeremy in the past and he asked me to produce three murals for this exhibition. The time scale was tight, all three had to be completed in ten days.
These are the designs I produced for him at the Hayward Gallery.
Photos by Linda Nylind
This is a mural to go with a video by Jeremy about the life of 70s/80s wrestler
Adrian Street, who was born in the mining area of Wales and ended up living in Miami.
The second mural is a stylised version of Jeremy's face with his mouth as the entrance to one of the gallery's rooms.
Photo by Linda Nylind
The third mural is on a sheet of metal and is fixed to the entrance door to the exhibition.
Garden wall mural-A Venitian calle
Mural at the Old Cottage cafe in Charlton Park